Bollywood actors Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are currently basking in happiness, as the newly-married couple have a lot to celebrate. Their first film together, Brahmāstra: Part One – Shiva, seems to have done well at the box office, and is also well-received by critics. On the personal front, Ranbir and Alia are expecting their first child together. Alia is over the moon, and has been showing off her baby bump in stunning pictures. It looks like her pregnancy cravings have set in too. The actor, who also shares glimpses of her day-to-day activities on social media, recently took to Instagram to talk about what food she has been craving lately.

In a late-night post on Instagram stories, the mom-to-be asked for suggestions from her fans and followers, for the best pizza place in Mumbai. “Guys, what’s the best pizza place in Mumbai? Craving”, she wrote in a question sticker, along with smiling emojis. Take a look at what she shared: 

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Although Alia didn’t share the responses she received, hopefully, her quest for the Italian delicacy was fulfilled. If you too are wondering where you can get those pizza cravings sorted, we’ve got a list of pizza places in Mumbai that can come in handy. 

1. Gustoso 

One of the finest Italian places in Mumbai, Gustoso is extremely popular for its authentic pizza flavours and varieties. In fact, every Italian dish on the menu tastes divine, and we are sure Alia would love to have a bite of the authentic pizza the eatery serves. 

2. Ray’s Café & Pizzeria

Ray’s Café & Pizzeria has been around for quite some time and anyone who visits this place once cannot resist coming back again. Why? Their variety of flavourful pizzas you get here. You will crave more rounds of pizza after trying their delicious mix. And that’s not all, you can also customise your pizza here, according to your taste. Ray’s also offers delish vegan options. 

3. CinCin  

One of the best places for a classic Italian fare, CinCin is just what you need for those pizza cravings. The prosciutto pizza with parma ham, rocket leaves, and parmigiano reggiano is something you shouldn’t miss.