Mira Kapoor who recently walked the ramp for designer Aisha Rao, was certainly one of the celebrities to watch out for at this year’s Lakme Fashion Week, for this time, she was not accompanied by her husband and actor Shahid Kapoor. She donned a lovely purple Lehanga, and she also posted some of the BTS action on her Instagram feed. With more than 3.4 million followers on Instagram, Mira is one of the most beloved star wives on the platform. The 27-year-old is pretty active on the photo-sharing app too, especially when it comes to talking about food. Not only is she a self-confessed foodie, but also an excellent chef herself. She often cooks for her family, and even encourages her children to eat healthy, local, seasonal foods.  

On Tuesday morning, she gave us a glimpse of her morning snack. It was nothing fancy, no avocado toasts or nutty granola here. She simply chomped on some oranges and walnuts, and here’s why this makes for an ideal combination. Oranges are brimming with vitamin C, and very powerful antioxidants that are good for skin and immunity, walnuts are a good source of omega 3 fatty acids, that are good for heart and brain. 

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While breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, it is also advisable to keep snacking through the day and take smaller intervals during meal times. Of course, while doing so, you must keep an eye on the portion.  

Here are our ideas for fun morning snacks:

Roasted Makhana

Makhana or fox nuts or lotus seeds, call it anything, and it will still be one of the healthiest things you can pop into, early in the morning. Roast it with ghee and spices, and you have a stellar snack to munch into for when the cravings hit.

Yogurt Parfait

This parfait, made with yogurt and layers of fruits and nuts is just perfect for the weather.

Chana Chaat

Boiled chickpeas tossed with chutneys, spices, and coriander leaves. Too tangy and tempting to resist.  


Easiest snack on our list and we know you love it. Pop it in cooker or microwave, the choice is yours. If you can, then try and regulate the salt and butter quotient.

Mixed Fruit Salad

You can never go wrong with fruits. Just take all your favourite fruits in one bowl. Think: orange, pineapple, banana, grapes, watermelon. You can add peanuts or makhana for added crunch. Toss it up nice with lemon juice, chaat masala and you are good to go.