In a 2023 video interview, Alia Bhatt said that when one thinks of fashion or celebrating fashion, the Met Gala is the first thing that pops into anyone’s head. The annual bonanza of celebrities parading by putting their best foot forward while aligning with the theme grabs every eyeball on this planet. While the world is busy figuring out who wore what, foodies are interested in what celebrities were served for dinner at an event where selfies are banned and seating is meticulously charted out.

Not just the guests, but chefs also try to align their dishes with the theme. Since this year’s event revolved around ‘Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion’, the caterers crafted the menu in such a way that it brought together everything. Here is everything that reportedly was banned and served at Met Gala 2024.

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Onion, Garlic Ban At Met Gala 2024

Image Courtesy: Anna Wintour/ Instagram

In a recent interview, Anna Wintour, who is the Global Editor and Director of Vogue, was asked if onion, garlic, and chives were banned in the kitchens of Met Gala 2024. She said that since she is not quite fond of those ingredients, they were particularly not added to any dishes that were served to guests. 

Since cell phones are also banned, it would take some extra time for the pictures from dinner to be released and go viral on social media. As soon as the celebs and official caterers from the event share a few glimpses of the food that they had while celebrating fashion, foodies will definitely zoom in on their plates to know the details.

Salad And Customised Apple For Dinner At Met Gala 2024

For Met Gala 2024, Oliver Cheng Catering And Events were responsible for designing the menu that every celebrity would remember. In an exclusive interview with Vogue, Oliver Cheng said that he thought of dishes that resembled or were worthy to be a part of a children’s storybook. He was quoted saying, “We wanted to create a menu that felt a bit romantic and ethereal, yet focused on the best seasonal ingredients.”

Since the theme of this year revolved around the fantasy world of Sleeping Beauty, the chef ensured that the dishes on the menu looked straight out of a fairytale. From the exclusive images published by the media house, the tables were set in the forest theme - a blue-hued tablecloth topped with green candles placed in glass vases, centre pieces adorned with purple, pink, black, and red flowers, and goblet glasses of wine glasses, similar to mentioned and showcased in Sleeping Beauty books and movies. Plates and napkins were also in a blue hue with golden cutlery placed on either side.

Cheng said that the first dish that was served was a spring vegetable salad comprising raspberry vinaigrette, elderflower foam, butterfly-shaped croutons, and olive crumble. One of the main course dishes was red meat topped with tortellini rose. The chef hoped it looked no short of a culinary castle. 

Inspired by Snow White, the dessert had an apple (obviously not poisoned). Describing it, he said, “We start with an almond cremeux moulded into the shape of a miniature apple, blanketed that with a bright red mirror glaze, and finish by placing it on a walnut-flavoured leaf.”