Ever since fashion designer Masaba Gupta announced her pregnancy, is expecting her first child with actor Satyadeep Misra. From enjoying and indulging in her craving for fiery foods like bird’s eye chillies in dishes like Tom Yum soup and Thai fried rice, to eating a big breakfast – quite literally – Masaba has been at the top of her foodie game. Sharing a picture of her most recent colourful breakfast, she said, “Craving a breakfast taco the size of my face. So I made a breakfast taco the size of my face. And it’s clean and yummy – minus the sour cream cos mustn’t lose it in the 2nd trimester now shall we?”

Accompanying this caption was an image of what appeared to be a nachni roti base, topped with an avocado mash, scrambled eggs and pico de gallo. As Masaba indicated, she was consciously avoiding the addition of anything with dairy or fat in order to stay on-course with her pregnancy diet. Typically known to eat a healthy breakfast that is high protein, the designer also includes preparations like moong chilla and boiled eggs to fuel her through the day. As she gears up to welcome her firstborn, Masaba also announced her pregnancy with a caption that said ‘send love, blessings and banana chips.’

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Conscious about eating light and nourishing meals even to conclude her day, a bowl of curd rice whose picture she also shared looked like the perfect meal for the summer. Enjoying home-cooked meals of nutritious dishes like Sindhi curry, bhindi sabzi, sprouts and sauteed greens, Masaba has continued to share her journey through yummy snapshots of her meals. For more updates on celebs and their love for all things food, visit Slurrp.com.