Fashion designer and Masaba Masaba actress, Masaba Gupta, shared a picture of her lip-smacking monsoon breakfast – consisting of deep-friend kothimbir vadis and green chutney for dipping. Made with a mix of gram flour, chopped fresh coriander and spices, the celebrity designer admitted to enjoying many breakfasts of fried food during the monsoon season, and urged her Maharashtrian friends to send across thalipeeth, thecha and kothimbir vadi – all very staple Maharashtrian specialties.

She captioned a photograph of a blue and white ceramic plate, featuring three vadis, a spoonful of green chutney and dot of ketchup, saying, “This fried gorgeousness every monsoon morning! – also Maharashtrian friends please send thali peeth & thecha and kothimbir vadi and help a girl out.” Masaba has been known to be quite the foodie and is often seen supporting her baker buddy, Pooja Dhingra, when she sends over some of her decadent Le 15 creations.

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Masaba has very publicly spoken multiple times about her weight loss journey, and how she has suffered from PCOD, making it difficult for her to shed the excess weight. However, she is also not known to shy away from a good meal, strictly trying to make sure that she eats what she likes before sunset. The designer has always been vocal about body positivity in the past and has proudly affirmed the notion of a ‘curvy girl who eats’. She also is a big believer in intermittent fasting, and prefers to eat meals prepared at home.

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She also consciously steers clear of dairy consumption, while keeping the gluten intake to a bare minimum, mostly reserved for cheat days. As she has gotten older, Masaba has admittedly cut down on alcohol consumption and swapped her morning coffee with ash gourd juice, flavoured with pink Himalayan salt. It goes without saying that someone who is disciplined about their diet can afford to enjoy fried food without feeling guilty and more power to Masaba! Tell us what your favourite fried food is, in the comments below.