Innovative dessert recipe: Most Indians love dessert, but some people are not very fond of it, mainly those trying to watch their body weight. That said, when it comes to eating sweets, I have seen the staunchest of sweet haters come around and get going in terms of jaggery-based delicacies. The well-loved maroonda is one such delicacy that’s been winning hearts for decades now. 

Jaggery Is King

  • Thanks to its low-calorie content, jaggery-laced sweets come across as a healthy option. Among these, a homemade, jaggery-dominant sweet that is a delight is maroonda or murmura laddoos.
  • With its roots in pre-Partition north India, maroondas have a history of being cooked on the diminishing flames of the mud oven during winter afternoons. My grandmother-in-law - who grew up in the Punjab province - tells us stories of how maroonda was stored in big aluminium canisters and saved for those moments when there was no sewai or kheer or karah at home.

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Staring At The Cereal Bars

  • For the later generations, though, maroonda became more of a crunchy rice cereal bar. The recipe is simple, but the trick lies in getting the jaggery consistency right and the bind of the laddoo. Tastewise, the maroonda is much better than a manufactured protein bar and is way healthier too.
  • Get the finest quality palm jaggery; after crushing it into pieces, let it melt in a wok on medium heat. Once the jaggery melts and is nicely heated up, add the murmura to it, stir in a clockwise direction, and ensure no lumps are formed.

Cooling It Off

Let it cool. After it comes to room temperature, make balls or laddoos, and store them in an airtight container. These do not spoil quickly. Try adding new-age variants in roasted form, such as oats or ragi flakes. 

Satarupa B. Kaur has been writing professionally for a decade now. But, she is always on the go; she loves to travel, books, and playtime with her toddler as she explores new places and food!