Mothers and grandmothers have told us how almonds benefit our health for many generations. Do you remember rushing to school in the morning with a handful of soaked and peeled almonds? Or, can you picture a kheer or a halwa without its delightful slivers of almond toasted in ghee? Then you are aware of the almond's existence. But what you didn't know is that there is more to them than the usual California variety we consume regularly! Almonds come in different forms, types and sizes and offer a unique nutrient profile. Mamra Almonds stand out among others as they provide more nutrition. Mamra, is indeed a fascinating story of shape, size, salient features, flavour and opulence.
Not just what they contain within, their exterior appearance, i.e., curved shape, sets them apart and makes them the most expensive type of almond, as they are not mass-produced like the California variety.
Natural habitat
Originating from Iran and Afghanistan, these almonds are also produced in the Indian region of Kashmir. Cultivating mamra almonds is costly, but their unique flavour and texture make them worth the investment.
From a distinct shape to a symbol of royalty
Mamra almonds are a luxurious and unique type of almond that is highly sought after for its distinct shape and flavour. Unlike, the other almonds it is slender in shape with a curved and elongated tip. Historically, mamra almonds were a delicacy reserved for royalty, and they remain one of the most expensive types of almonds in the market today.
The distinct shape of Mamra almonds, Image Source: Shutterstock
Taste gets it the name
These almonds are much crunchier and crisper than regular almonds, earning them the nickname "Mamra" (or Murmura in Hindi) due to their snack-like taste and texture. Mamra almonds also tend to be lighter in weight than other varieties.
Unique characteristics
Mamra Almonds have identical nutritional value to ordinary almonds and nearly twice as much oil. These are the "healthy" monounsaturated oils, which help bring up good cholesterol levels and bring down bad ones.
100 grams of Mamra Almonds include 609 calories, 3.4 g of carbohydrate, 18 g of protein, 58 g of fat, 13 g of dietary fibre, 2.3 g of sugar, and 1.5 g of sodium. They have more calories and fat but more protein and omega-3 fatty acids than regular almonds.
The fact that mamra almonds contain no cholesterol sets them apart from traditional almonds. The monosaturated oils found in Mamra almonds help reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol while increasing HDL ("good") cholesterol levels in the body.
Storing rules
To ensure that mamra almonds stay fresh and retain their taste, it is essential to store them properly. Mamra almonds should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. It is also necessary to keep them away from direct sunlight or heat sources, as this can cause them to spoil quickly. Additionally, checking the container regularly for signs of moisture or mould is essential, as these can also cause the almonds to deteriorate.
The health benefits of Mamra Almonds make them a good choice for anyone. They contain various health aspects for your brain, hair, skin, and bones and are incredibly effective in enhancing your natural body defences. Still, those with diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, or heart disease, in particular, would do well to incorporate them into their regular diets.