Actor Karan Wahi who we last saw featuring in the song ‘Tera Saath Ho’ by Guru Randhawa, has a string of interesting projects lined up ahead of him. The actor is also a social media sensation, and if you happen to follow him on Instagram, you’d perhaps know that he is quite a food buff as well. A week ago, the actor posted a throwback picture of himself holding two trays of burgers, and in his caption he wrote, “Koi Lauta de wo pyaare pyaare Din…Kat ti nahi Raatein BURGER ke bin”. On Thursday evening, the actor visited Bhendi Bazar of South Mumbai, and dined at the popular ‘Shabbir’s Tawakkal Sweets’ on the Mohammad Ali Road.  

The modest sweet shop is quite a favourite among the bigwigs of Bollywood such as Salman Khan and Shilpa Shetty. Actor Karan Wahi also seemed rather excited to try their delicious food. The actor shared couple of food pictures on his Instagram stories, starting with the crispy, golden Baida Roti. Baida Roti, much like the Mughlai Paratha of Bengal, is a meat-filled paratha, that has been coated with a layer of eggs (baida). The Baida Roti was served on a simple paper plate with a side of chutneys and sliced onions, sprinkled with masalas. The next photo in the series, which he captioned “Malpuas in the house”, featured yummy Malpuas, glistening due to the amount of ghee used to cook them. And it didn’t just end there, they also relished a plate of nutty, chewy Dodha Barfi and Malai blueberry barfi. “Okie last, I promise”, wrote Karan in his final, super tempting boomerang.  

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If Karan Wahi’s stories and boomerangs have triggered cravings for you as well, then that makes the two of us. With this yummy recipe of Malpua, we’d be making the yummy, sweet Indian pancakes at home very soon. Did you know Malpua is perhaps one of the oldest Indian sweets ever known? The good thing is that you do not need an army of ingredients to make a decent malpua. All you need to do is create a mix of maida, fennel seeds, cardamoms, cardamom powder, khoya, et al and fry it in ghee.  

Try this recipe soon and let us know how you liked it.