TV star, actor and fashionista Malaika Arora is back from Paris. The diva was in the ‘City of Love’ to ring in her beau and actor Arjun Kapoor’s birthday. The couple went about exploring the local cafes and bistros of the city to indulge their hearts out. Malaika even shared glimpses from Arjun’s birthday brunch, where the duo chomped on delish burgers and fries, a day prior to that the couple polished off some dainty desserts too. Malaika, is arguably one of the fittest actors of tinsel town and while you may think that she survives on salads and soups only, her Instagram activities have a different story to tell.  

On Saturday, the diva took to Instagram again to post about her ‘rainy day’ binge. Much like us, her preference in this nippy weather is all things crisp and fried. In the Instagram story that she posted, we spotted a bowl of hot and crispy medu vadas. Medu Vada is a popular South Indian tea-time treat. It can be called an Indian doughnut for its shape. Like a typical doughnut, medu vada is also fried and has a hole in the centre. The only significant difference would be the taste and texture. It is savoury, crispy from the outside and soft and spongy from inside. A thick batter is first shaped with hands, and dropped off in oil. When the vadas turn golden, they are taken out from oil and served with a range of chutneys and sambar. Malaika also seemed to pair it with thick peanut chutney. Apart from this, the spread also comprised fresh and hot steamed rice, dal and fried eggplant. “Food for the soul in rains”, Malaika wrote in her caption for her desi feast.  

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Instagram @malaikaaroraofficial

Now did that make you drool too. You are not alone. Here’s the recipe of Medu vada and Parippu Vada. These vadas are very easy to make, and just incredibly crunchy and crispy. A perfect monsoon gift from us to you. Try these recipes soon and let us know how you liked it.