Banana bread is commonly referred to as "quick bread," but it has the texture and flavour of a cake. It does not include yeast and does not require time to rise.

The availability of baking soda and baking powder, which functioned as a rising agent, contributed to the rise in popularity of banana bread and quick breads in general. This makes banana bread a quick and easy way to use up those old bananas while still making something delicious!

Banana bread is a wonderful way to quickly create a special treat for the family because it is so simple to make. Modern-day variations of this bread may incorporate chocolate chips, nuts, or even dried fruit.


● 2 to 3 medium, peeled, extremely ripe bananas

● 1/3 cup (76g) butter, unsalted or salted

● 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

● 1 pinch salt

● 3/4 cup (150g) sugar

● 1 large egg, beaten

● 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

● 1 1/2 cups (205g) all-purpose flour


1. Heat a loaf pan with butter and preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).

2. Use a fork to thoroughly mash the ripe bananas in a mixing dish. The mashed bananas

are combined with the melted butter.

3. Add the salt and baking soda together. Add sugar, vanilla, and one beaten egg. then stir

in the flour.

4. Fill the loaf pan you have prepared with the batter. 350°F/175°C for 55 to 65 minutes, or

until a wooden skewer or toothpick inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. In contrast to moist batter streaks, a few dry crumbs are acceptable. Loosely tent the loaf with foil and bake it for an additional few minutes if the exterior of the loaf is browned but the inside is still damp.

5. Take out of the oven, then let cool in the pan for a while. When ready to serve, take the banana bread out of the pan and let it cool fully. Slice, then dish. (Using a bread knife makes it easier to cut slices that won't crumble.)

The banana bread will keep for four days at room temperature if it is properly wrapped. The bread can be frozen or refrigerated for prolonged storage for up to 5 days.