Mohan Yadav held his first cabinet meeting on Wednesday after being sworn in as the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and he’s already issued some new changes. On December 13, he issued a directive that prohibits the use of loudspeakers beyond permissible limits and designated hours at all religious and public venues.

Additionally, the Chief Minister affirmed that directives have been issued to enforce the regulation of meat and egg sales in open spaces, per the Food Safety Act and the guidelines set by the Central government.

Chief Minister Yadav announced the initiation of a campaign, coordinated with the food department, police, and local urban bodies, to enforce the prohibition of open sales of meat and fish. This campaign is set to be active from December 15 to 31."We have instructed the necessary preparations to raise awareness among the public, ensuring those engaged in this trade are well-informed about the regulations," he stated.

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The Madhya Pradesh government extends a welcome to those journeying to Ayodhya along the path leading to the temple of Lord Ram. Furthermore, the government has resolved that tendu leaf pluckers will receive ₹4,000 per bag which has been seen as a move to appease the tribal communities..

The construction of a new Ram Mandir in the historic city of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh is set to launch into its first phase on the 15th of December. The project which was greenlit by the government four years ago is well into its final stages with the official inauguration set for the end of January 2024.