Tech giant and Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, is currently in India for the launch of the company’s first two retail stores in the country. The stores will launch this week, with the first set to open its doors in Mumbai on April 18 and the second in Delhi on April 20. Tim’s visit to the business capital of India, Mumbai, has been celebrated by the who’s who of the entertainment industry, as many celebrities turned up for the grand launch event in BKC, including Mouni Roy, Shilpa Shetty, Sonali Bendre, AR Rahman, and many more. However, it was Madhuri Dixit who went about treating Cook to the one street food without which a trip to the city of dreams is incomplete—Vada Pav!

On Monday evening, the actress shared on social media that she had met Cook during his visit to Mumbai and took him to one of the renowned outlets in the city serving this quintessential Maharashtrian snack. A candid snapshot tweeted by Dixit captured the two relishing the dish while sharing a laugh at the eatery. We can spot two plates, one filled with what looked like a serving of pulao and the other with vada pav that was served with green chutney and pickled chillies on the side in two bowls. "I can’t think of a better welcome to Mumbai than Vada Pav!" the Devdas actress wrote in the caption while sharing the picture. Take a look:

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The post went viral in no time. However, it was Cook’s reply that took the internet by storm. Just a few hours after the picture went viral, Apple's CEO re-shared the image on the microblogging site, accompanied by his personal feedback on the culinary experience. "Thanks @madhuridixit for introducing me to my very first Vada Pav—it was delicious!" he wrote. Take a look:

As the tweet gained traction, enthusiasts flooded the thread with their own recommendations, urging Cook to sample a plethora of other mouth-watering delicacies. While one user suggested eating chola bhatura when in Delhi, another wrote "Try some Gujju Food as well". 

It seems like Tim is surely having a great time launching the two stores. Apple’s first two retail stores in the country mark a significant milestone as it celebrates over 25 years in India this week. Do you have any food suggestions for Cook to try in India? Let us know.