Gujrati thali seems to the recent favourite if Bollywood. From Ranveer to Kiara Advani all were seen indulgin in some Gujarati delights and now it’s the Queen of Bollywood Madhuri Dixit who followed the path. She recently shared a post on Instagram where she was seen enjoying this delicious thali. Her thali  saw variety of dishes like roti or chapati (homemade flatbread), fluffy puris (deep-fried bread), a variety of shaak (sabzi) along with some potato curry, khatti-mithi dal  and more. The meal doesn’t end tgere the thali also saw white steamed rice, a bowl of yogurt,  some dhokla  on the side along with pickles. And yes for desserts there was gulab jamun. But don’t miss the chaachh (buttermilk) in a kulhad next. 

She captioned the post, “Food = Love”, along with hashtags such as ‘gujratithali' and ‘wheningujarat'.

Madhuri was also seen having some chopped zucchini, pan-sushi and faba beans few days back where she used tags like ‘Sundayfunday' and ‘Sunday meal'. And not to miss the pizza she had that was made by her husband, Dr Sriram Nene. He had made two pizzas — One was regular kind and the other low carb keto kind” — and yes, he did share their recipes as well. 

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But do you know what all a Gujarati Summer Thali contains. The state of Gujarat is geographically divided into 4 regions – North and South Gujarat, Kathiawad and Kutch and it’s no surprises that each region sees different food that comes with slight variations that comes from the preparation techniques and climatic differences. Each region brings their own style to the cuisine,  and it sees a great blend of sweet and salty dishes. The food from this region is primarily a vegetarian cuisine, and sees a huge influence of Jain vegetarianism and traditional Hinduism. A typical everyday thali menu would typically see daal bhaat (lentils with rice), rotli (flatbread) and shaak (vegetables).

They are also known for their craze for aamras aka mango pulp, which is a summer special dish. Also when mangoes are ripe there’s Keri no Ras (fresh mango pulp) which is an integral part of the meal. 

Here's a special Kairi Makai Dhokla recipe by Maharaj Bhawar Singh, Corporate Chef – Khandani Rajdhani

Kairi Makai Dhokla


½ cupMakai flour

¾ cup Rava / semolina

2 tbspsBesan

1 cup Raw mango puree

Buttermilk - 1 cup + 1 cup to take mango puree

1 tbsp Ginger garlic

For Garnishing

    2 tbsp Freshly grated coconut

    2 tbsp Coriander leaves chopped

    Raw Mangoes Grated green chilli paste

    Salt - to taste

    1 ½ tspEno fruit salt


    2 tbsp Cooking oil

    1 tsp Mustard seeds

    ¼ tspAsafetida powder -

For Garnishing 

1. Grate raw mangoes and blend it with one cup of buttermilk and keep aside.

2. Take a bowl add maize powder, ginger garlic green chilli paste, semolina, besan, salt, mango puree and

remaining one cup of buttermilk and keep aside for 30 minutes.

3. Meantime grease a pan to steam the batter.

4. If you feel the batter is thick after 30 minutes add some more buttermilk. Should be in idli batter consistency.

5. Add a ½ tsps of eno fruit salt with one table spoon of water and mix well it with the above batter.