As the Lok Sabha elections approach, the Gautam Buddh Nagar constituency, encompassing Noida and Greater Noida, is witnessing unique promotional efforts aimed at increasing voter participation. Scheduled for April 26, during the second phase of the elections, the area registers over 26 lakh eligible voters. In response to historically lower voter turnouts, local businesses have launched initiatives offering tangible rewards for those who cast their votes.

The National Restaurants Association of India (NRAI) has gathered around twenty-four local eateries to take part in an initiative called the "Democracy Discount". Eligible voters are entitled to a discount of up to 20 per cent on their dining expenses at participating restaurants. On April 26 and 27, voters need only show their ink-stained fingers to vote. No other identification is needed.

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The list of participating restaurants includes popular spots like Desi Vibes, Kaffiiaa, I Sacked Newton, and many others, ensuring a wide range of culinary choices for voters. From local favourites to international cuisines, the variety of participating venues aims to cater to all tastes, potentially drawing a diverse crowd to the polls.

Additionally, Felix Hospitals has introduced a "Vote for Healthy India" campaign, which provides a compelling health incentive. Voters who visit Felix Hospitals with their voting mark can receive a full body check-up, normally priced at ₹6,500, free of charge. This offer is available from April 26 to 30, as announced by Dr. D.K. Gupta, CEO and Chairman of Felix Hospitals. 

Gautam Buddh Nagar has struggled with voter engagement in the past, with turnout rates consistently trailing the national average. Locally, 60.47 per cent voted in the 2019 elections, compared to 67.40 per cent nationally. Incentives help local businesses and healthcare providers promote their services and increase voter turnout.

These efforts highlight a community-driven approach to democracy, aiming to transform voting from a duty to an opportunity for personal benefit and civic engagement. The initiatives also serve as a model for other constituencies facing similar challenges with voter apathy. By integrating commercial benefits with civic duty, Noida and Greater Noida, businesses are actively contributing to a more participative electoral process in India.