A sizable portion of the population is thought to be vitamin D deficient. During the winter, when days are shorter and sunshine is scarcer, even more people may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency. When exposed to sunlight, our skin produces vitamin D, also referred to as the "sunshine vitamin." Also, eating gives it to us. As most of us are aware, it is a necessary nutrient for healthy bones. D is necessary for your body to properly absorb calcium and ward off osteopenia and osteoporosis. 

In addition, there are numerous other benefits to vitamin D. An increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including hypertension, heart failure, and coronary artery disease, has been linked to vitamin D insufficiency, according to research published in The American Journal of Medical Sciences. Additionally connected to diabetes, several malignancies, dementia, and early mortality are vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is essential for metabolic and hormonal optimization because it affects insulin sensitivity, according to Florence Comite, MD, an endocrinologist. Vitamin D also has immunity-boosting properties. Contrary to popular belief, vitamin D is actually a hormone. 

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If you experience symptoms like fatigue, bone pain, hair loss, depression, loss of appetite, or a tendency to get sick more frequently, you may be vitamin d deficient. But a variety of other factors can be at blame for such symptoms. The majority of people receive vitamin D prescriptions since widespread inadequacy is a serious problem in both men and women. Many young women are deficient in vitamin D because they don't consume a lot of dairy products because they are mistakenly worried about the high fat content of dairy products. 

How To Get Vitamin D 

Like with most nutrients, it's ideal to obtain vitamin D naturally, preferably through diet and, to the extent possible, safe sun exposure. However, supplements might be a suitable choice if your doctor determines that you have a deficiency. The best sources of vitamin D are foods and supplements. Here are some nutritious foods with lots of vitamin D. 


A popular fatty fish and excellent source of vitamin D is salmon. The amount of vitamin D can significantly differ depending on whether the salmon is wild or farmed. Salmon taken from the wild typically has greater vitamin D. Depending on when and where the salmon was caught, different amounts of vitamin D will be present. 

Herring and Sardines 

Fish called herring is consumed all across the world. It is frequently pickled or smoked. This little fish also contains a lot of vitamin D. If you prefer pickled herring to fresh fish, it is also a good source of vitamin D. Pickled herring has a high salt content of 870 mg per serving. If you're attempting to cut back on salt, it might not be the best choice. Sardines in cans are also a good source of vitamin D. Other varieties of fatty fish are also excellent providers of vitamin D. Additionally, halibut and mackerel make for good sources. 

Cod liver oil 

A common dietary supplement is cod liver oil. If fish is not your thing, ingesting cod liver oil is an additional means of obtaining nutrients that are difficult to obtain in other ways. It is a top-notch source of vitamin D. It has long been used to treat vitamin D insufficiency. It has also been used in the past to treat rickets, psoriasis, and TB. Although cod liver oil contains a lot of vitamin A, too much of it might be hazardous. Check to see if you are using cod liver oil or any other vitamin A supplements in excess of the recommended dosage. Cod liver oil also contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. The heart and the body's inflammation may both be affected positively by omega-3s. 

Egg Yolks 

Vitamin D is not exclusively found in fish. Another excellent source and incredibly nutritious food are whole eggs. The white of an egg contains the majority of the protein, whereas the yolk contains the majority of the fat, vitamins, and minerals. Egg yolks' vitamin D content depends on a few different things. The amount of vitamin D in the egg is increased by the chicken's exposure to sunlight, the vitamin D content of the chicken feed, and the exposure of the liquid yolk to UV light. Choosing eggs from outside-raised chickens or eggs promoted as high in vitamin D can be a fantastic way to get your recommended daily allowance.


Mushrooms are an adequate non-animal source of vitamin D in addition to meals that have been fortified. When exposed to UV radiation, mushrooms can produce vitamin D just like people can. Animals generate vitamin D3, whereas mushrooms create vitamin D2. Although vitamin D2 aids in increasing vitamin D levels in the blood, vitamin D3 may be more effective. Due to their exposure to UV light, some wild mushrooms are fantastic providers of vitamin D2. A type of mushroom that grows in the wild is called a morel. Many mushrooms used in food production are cultivated in the dark and have very little D2. To increase the vitamin D content of some mushrooms, ultraviolet (UV) radiation is used.