Kopi Luwak, sometimes known as civet coffee, is one of the world's oddest and most specialised coffees, and chances are you've already heard of it. There is one significant reason you might want to pass on this speciality coffee, and it has nothing to do with the outstanding price. Some people think it is the best coffee in the world. Discover what Kopi Luwak coffee is and why you probably shouldn't drink it by continuing to read. 

What It Is 

The Asian palm civet is an animal that consumes Kopi Luwak, a well-known (or infamous) Indonesian coffee. An animal that resembles a cat, the civet spends the nighttime hours prowling Bali's forests where it consumes ripe coffee cherries and excretes the coffee beans. After gathering, cleaning, and roasting the beans. As a result? Coffee made from cat faeces is known as kopi luwak. 

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The Dutch initially established coffee plantations in Sumatra and Java in the 1700s, which is when Kopi Luwak coffee's history really began. The ripe coffee cherries were apparently being devoured by wild creatures, who were apparently leaving the beans behind. Since they were not allowed to collect coffee beans for personal use, they began making coffee using these leftover beans. 

In America's gourmet coffee market more recently, this specialty coffee first appeared in the 1990s. Anthony Wild, the author of the well-known coffee book Coffee: A Dark History, is to credit for this. The Bucket List, a Jack Nicholson film, and the Oprah Winfrey Show both featured these speciality beans shortly after. 


The trend back then was kopi luwak, and it has remained very popular ever since. In addition, it is also known for its cost rather than only its distinctive processing. The average cost of a cup of Kopi Luwak coffee is between $35 and $100, while the cost per pound can range from $100 to $600. That is 20–60 times more expensive than a cup of coffee, on average! 

Why Have It 

Cat poop coffee may sound disgusting, but there's a reason Kopi Luwak is highly prized. In contrast to human coffee pickers, it is believed that wild animals will only consume the best, ripest cherries, preventing the production of subpar, unripe beans. Additionally, the digestive enzymes of the civet change the coffee beans, giving the beverage a smoother texture.  

What makes them do that? The cherries lose all of their fruity coating as they move through a civet's stomach. In essence, it's a very thorough washing procedure that gets the beans ready for roasting and drying. A better cup of coffee is produced when the fruit is removed off the bean since mould cannot develop there. 

Using wild civet cats to prepare coffee hundreds of years ago may have produced superior coffee. However, coffee picking and processing techniques have advanced to the point where more contemporary approaches will likely yield superior outcomes. If you do decide to sample civet coffee, some businesses provide Kopi Luwak, which is more ethical. We advise you to carefully examine the business' ethical procedures and look for certificates of validity. You don't want to shell out a fortune for an ordinary bag of beans. kopu