Actress Janhvi Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan were the second pair of guests the grace the coveted couch in the latest season of Koffee With Karan. This was both Sara and Janhvi’s second appearance on the popular talk show, hosted by director Karan Johar. Both the actresses who made their silver screen debut in the year 2018, spoke about their journey, pandemic and their friendship on the talk show, making for one engrossing episode. Did you know Sara and Janhvi have been pally since years prior to their on-screen debut? The friendship only blossomed during the pandemic, when both of them started taking hiking trips across North India. During one of their trips to Kedarnath, they also befriended a few locals you treated them with Rajma Chawal and guided them along the way.  

The love for food is another thing they shared in common, in fact, we couldn’t help but grin when Janhvi tried bribing the ‘Rapid Fire’ jury, by promising to treat them with home-made butter chicken and biryani. Coming to the much controversial ‘Rapid Fire’ round itself. There were revelations that had us go from ‘meh’ to ‘woaah’. For instance, when Janhvi was asked to share two truths and one lie about her, she happened to make a confession that had us in splits. She admitted to breaking up with one of her boyfriends in the past because he didn’t order her...a chicken salad.”

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The answer was appalling to an extent that even Karan Johar asked her to explain the context.  

“What the hell, you want chicken tikka today, kebab today, biryani today and you can’t order me a chicken salad?” Janhvi said about her then boyfriend. 

“It’s mean, right?”, she further added.  

But Janhvi clarified that they also “got back together in six hours”.  

Now isn’t that one of the most hilarious break-up stories you have ever heard. Wait, are you low-key relating with her? As you are not alone.  

Janhvi’s confession has made us crave a delish chicken salad too. And because of Janhvi’s story we know better than to just sit and expect our partners to order one for us. We are planning to make one for ourselves pronto. Here’s our favourite chicken caesar salad recipe that you can also try making at home. Made with goodness of crunchy romaine lettuce, chicken chunks, avocados and cherry tomatoes, this salad is one wholesome meal that will satiate you to bits.