Congratulations on your cake-baking accomplishment. You could eat it all at once (and we won't judge), but if you want to save it for later and are wondering how we've got the answers. This advice applies to any type of cake, including layer cake, sheet cake, pound cake, quick breads, and even cupcakes, and it is divided into frosted and unfrosted, cut and uncut cakes. Allowing the cake to dry out will ruin all of your hard work. If you need to bake ahead of time, follow the instructions below for storing a cake, whether it's iced or not (and even if you've taken a slice or two).

Is it okay to refrigerate cakes?

The majority of the time, the answer is no when it comes to refrigerating cakes. Most cakes, frosted or unfrosted, cut or uncut, will keep at room temperature for several days. Refrigeration is only required if your kitchen is extremely hot during the day if you're making a cake that won't be consumed for more than three days if it has whipped cream icing or a filling or topping made of fresh fruit, or all of the above.

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Wrap unfrosted cakes in plastic wrap to keep them from collecting any strange fridge odours and from drying out, and then unwrap them to warm up on the counter before serving. Chill the cake uncovered for 15 minutes to solidify the frosting before wrapping it in plastic wrap for frosted cakes.

How to store cake

• You must first decide what is in your cake before choosing how to maintain it. A chocolate cake covered in ganache and frosted with buttercream can be served at room temperature, but a cream cake filled with fresh fruit needs to be refrigerated. You must know whether any of the ingredients are perishable because that is the most important detail. Since they contain different ingredients than a typical cake, cheesecakes should also be kept in the refrigerator.

• You can always freeze the cake if you won't be eating it for a while. You may easily store this dessert for up to three months if you freeze an uncut entire cake. The cake should be wrapped in plastic before being frozen.

• If the frosting doesn't contain perishable dairy or fruit ingredients, it acts as a natural preservative. Once the cake has been cut open, simply add more icing to the carved edges to prolong its life. This prevents the need for metal or plastic wrap by keeping the moisture within. Instead of relying on a layer cake's frosting to do the trick, cover every exposed surface with more icing.

• Before wrapping your cake for storage, place it in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes to make the frosting solid. To prevent the wrapping from touching the frosting, insert toothpicks into the top and sides of the cake.

• Wrap your cake in aluminium foil or plastic wrap if you want to eat it over several days. Leave a small portion of the wrapped cake exposed if you decide to keep it in an airtight container for further security. Sheet cakes still need air to maintain their texture, so keep them away from dirt and other unclean items in your kitchen.

• A particular cake stand is not required to store your dessert properly. The cake is covered in aluminium foil, and a bowl that has been turned upside down is placed on top as a temporary storage container. Your cake will stay fresh for three to seven days if you do this.

• Your covered cake will be alright the next morning even if you leave it outside overnight without wrapping it. For as long as possible, wrap it in something for the period after that. To increase the shelf life of ingredients, store them at room temperature unless certain substances need to be refrigerated (up to three to seven days).