There are certain ingredients in the kitchen which are an indispensable part of cooking. For some it might be onion, for others it could be a spice. Garlic too is one such food that is one of the most commonly used ingredients in everyday cooking to add flavour to countless dishes. And it isn’t limited to Indian curries, but is used in myriad ways all over the world. Its popularity isn’t only due to the distinct taste it offers but also because of the various health-benefiting properties it offers. Did you know garlic aids digestion and boosts immunity? It may have a strong, pungent flavour but that’s what makes our delicacies so yummy. Though garlic is a regular in cooking in most homes, cooking the garlic is what the tricky part is.  

With a tendency to burn quickly, garlic can do more harm than good to your dish. And no, it doesn't just happen with amateur cooks, it can happen to seasoned chefs as well. A little bit of overcooking can lead to foul smell and taste. So here we are presenting certain tips and tricks that can help you work with garlic, just the right way, and enjoy its flavours

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Here is how you can help prevent burning of garlic:

1. Chop them big

Unless the recipe demands it to be small, make sure to chop the garlic into big pieces instead of chopping finely. The smaller pieces tend to cook quickly and may burn before you know it.  

2. Saute later

If you are sautéing garlic with other ingredients like onions and chillies, make sure to add garlic to the mix towards the end when onions are almost done.  

3. Don’t toss it in very hot oil

Before sauteeing check if the oil isn’t too hot. Tossing the garlic in too hot oil can burn it immediately. Make sure to cool the oil down a bit first before, if it is too hot.

4. No high flame

Never saute garlic on a high flame or it will burn quickly. Always keep it on low or medium flame.

So, make sure to follow these simple steps while cooking with garlic next and let us know the results.