Kimchi is a side dish in Korean cuisine. Known for its spicy flavour and texture, kimchi is made from vegetables like napa cabbage, radish, and scallions that are salted, seasoned, and left to ferment. The fermentation process gives kimchi its sour taste. As per the National Library of Medicine, the lactic acid bacteria created during fermentation also provide health benefits as probiotics for gut health. While there are over 200 varieties, the most common type is baechu kimchi, which uses napa cabbage as the main vegetable.   

It begins with Napa cabbage, which is salted and left to ferment for a period of time. This allows the cabbage leaves to soften and begin to break down. The cabbage is then mixed with garlic, ginger, scallions, chilli powder, fish sauce, and more. The mixture is then left to ferment again. Its sourness comes from the natural fermentation process. The red colouring comes from the chilli powder. And the flavour comes from the blend of spices used.  

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Here are the 10 health benefits of eating kimchi


Kimchi is an excellent food for promoting digestion and gut health. As the cabbage and other vegetables ferment, beneficial bacteria called probiotics are produced. As per the National Library of Medicine, these probiotics, including Lactobacillus, help populate the gut with healthy microorganisms that aid in digestion. Kimchi improves overall digestive function, absorption of nutrients, and elimination.   

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Lowers Cholesterol  

The main reason is that kimchi contains garlic, which has a compound called allicin. Allicin helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood. It also helps protect the arteries, making them less likely to become clogged or damaged. Kimchi also contains selenium, which is another nutrient that helps lower cholesterol.   

It Is Antioxidant  

The red colour comes from Korean red pepper powder, which contains seeds rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Over time, the accumulation of free radical damage is thought to contribute to ageing and disease. The antioxidants in kimchi's red pepper seeds can help stop this damage.   

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Skin Conditions  

Kimchi contains a type of healthy bacteria called Lactobacillus. As per the National Library of Medicine, eating kimchi regularly can help improve certain skin conditions, like dermatitis. Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin that leads to redness, itching, and rashes. The Lactobacillus bacteria in the kimchi help reduce inflammation and irritation. They do this by boosting the immune system and fighting off harmful bacteria on the skin that can worsen dermatitis.   

Helps In Weight Loss  

Kimchi can help control appetite. The fibre in kimchi keeps you feeling full. As per the National Library of Medicine, probiotics and spices in kimchi help lower blood sugar after meals. This prevents spikes and crashes in blood sugar, which can increase hunger. The natural sugars in kimchi are also slowly released to provide sustained energy. People who regularly eat kimchi tend to have lower BMIs, likely because the combination of fibre, probiotics, and slow-digesting carbs results in eating fewer calories overall.    

Boosts Immune System  

Kimchi is made with cabbage along with garlic, ginger, radishes, and chilli peppers. The combination of these antioxidant-rich vegetables provides a one-two punch to support immune function. Garlic contains compounds that have been shown to boost immunity and reduce inflammation. 

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Ginger adds extra anti-inflammatory power with its active compounds, like gingerol. The chilli peppers bring heat in the form of capsaicin, which can clear up congestion and sinuses. Together, these immune-boosting ingredients work to strengthen the body's defences against infection.   


It contains high amounts of antioxidants and vitamin C, which help protect our cells from damage and reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is thought to be a major cause of ageing and many age-related diseases. The antioxidants and vitamin C in kimchi neutralise free radicals, which are harmful molecules that contribute to inflammation. Kimchi can help lower inflammation levels and potentially slow down the ageing process.   

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May Prevent Cancer  

Cabbage contains natural plant compounds called flavonoids, which have been shown to stop cancer cells from growing in lab studies. When cabbage is fermented to make kimchi, these healthy flavonoids remain present. As per the National Library of Medicine, kimchi is packed with vitamin C, fibre, and probiotics too. Eating kimchi regularly provides antioxidants and nutrients that may help prevent cancer.    

Manages Diabetes  

Kimchi can help people manage their blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that eating kimchi can improve how well the body handles sugar for people with type 2 diabetes. The healthy bacteria in kimchi help break down carbohydrates more slowly so blood sugar rises more gradually after meals. As per the National Library of Medicine, it contains probiotics and fibre that slow digestion, preventing dangerous spikes and drops in blood glucose.   

Might Reduce Gastric Ulcers  

Kimchi can help improve stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. The lactic acid bacteria in kimchi, called Lactobacillus, fight against H. pylori by stopping it from sticking to the stomach lining. When someone eats kimchi regularly, the good Lactobacillus bacteria multiply and crowd out the bad H. pylori bacteria. This helps heal ulcers and prevents new ones from forming.