Reality TV star Kim Kardashian, who was recently in Mumbai for an appearance at the illustrious Anant-Radhika wedding, decided to add a few more to her packed itinerary. Accompanied by sister Khloe Kardashian, the duo paid a visit to the ISKCON temple located in South Mumbai. Dressed in summery dresses and a dupatta cover-up, the television personalities were seen filming their TV show - Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

As part of their visit, the women interacted with the monks present on the temple premises, followed by distributing food to a group of school children, as charity. Kim and Khloe were chaperoned by life coach, Jay Shetty and his wife, Radhi Devlukia, who helped the sisters distribute vegetable khichdi, halwa, a mixed vegetable preparation and puris. Known to practice a plant-based lifestyle herself, Kim was also served an all-vegan menu at the Ambani wedding - with special care taken to ensure that she relished vegan versions of mithai like gulab jamuns, coconut ladoo and almond barfi.

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