Kiara Advani turned 30 recently. She celebrated her birthday with her alleged beau and co-actor, Sidharth Malhotra. While her birthday was definitely a blast with all her close friends by her side, she enjoyed it with a huge cake too. Now that she is back from vacation, we knew she’d fall back on her usual comfort foods, like the one she shared recently.

Kiara took to her Instagram stories to share a glimpse of her coffee time. We noticed black coffee in a fancy cup, kept on a silver tray. While we know how much she loves it, we weren’t surprised to see this caffeinated beverage. However, we were intrigued by what accompanied it. There were a few biscuits kept on the saucer, and by the look of it, we’re assuming they’re Marie biscuits, which are quite popular in several Indian homes.

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Source: Screengrab of Instagram stories/Kiara Advani

Usually served with chai, Kiara decided to dip them in her coffee and make the most of it. She captioned the video with a sticker that read, "Coffee time." She added a song to the background that went like, "Enjoy the little, little things in life." The chirpy and bubbly actor is often seen getting happy at the smallest of things. For instance, when she recently completed a song shoot, she treated herself and her crew to ice cream, and it was the most adorable thing to do.

We've also seen her enjoy good food with her co-stars, such as Varun Dhawan, when the two were spotted eating vada pav in the Mumbai metro, and described it as a privilege. Ice cream seems to be one of her favourite sweets, as she is often seen eating it as a midnight binge too.