After Kabir Singh, Shershaah and Bhool Bhulaiyya 2, actress Kiara Advani has now emerged as one of the most bankable stars of Bollywood. With her movie ‘Govinda Naam Hai Mera’, she reunites with her ‘Lust Stories’ co-actor Vicky Kaushal, both of them are playing the roles of choreographers in the film. In between the promotions of the film Kiara also flew off to New Zealand for a song shoot and even revealed her ‘diet’ for the same. That’s right, the ‘Good Newwz’ actor spilled the beans, and we are shocked. 

Kiara Advani posted an image of her and her crew chomping on take-out burgers from a local New Zealand restaurant. Kiara’s fresh cheeseburger comprised a thick and juicy patty, a slice of tomato and veggies and lettuce. The soft brioche bun, seems to be making the burger all the more tempting. We also spotted some shakes, chips, salad and delish sides on the table. “Song shoot diet in New Zealand”, Kiara Advani wrote in her cheeky caption.  

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But on a more serious note, Kiara Advani is a fitness icon for many, because she does take her diet very seriously. She likes simple, homemade meals. Actor Shahid Kapoor revealed in an interview, how he found company for his homemade lauki in Kiara Advani once. Kiara likes to start her day on a high protein note, with oats and fresh fruits. She is also a fan of South Indian food and Upma and Sambar are usual suspects in her daily meals. Besides that, she also likes to eat salmon regularly for good quality, lean protein. 

She indulges as and when she can, or is allowed, but makes sure to burn all those extra calories in the gym and eating healthy. One of the other healthy habits she swears by to control her cravings is eating dark chocolate.