Kiara Advani recently tied the knot with co-actor and beau, Siddharth Malhotra in an intimate ceremony. While their wedding pictures were giving us couple goals, it was the wedding menu that really made everyone turn their heads. However, after indulgences like baati churma and ghotua ladoos, we truly believe that one should get back on a diet, and so has Kiara.

Recently, the actor shared a boomerang of herself on her Instagram stories. In the boomerang, she can be seen inside a vanity van, all decked out in her makeup and getting her hair done. Meanwhile, she’s holding a glass of a green drink, and we’re wondering what it is. She captions it, "Drink your greens," and we are assuming it’s a green smoothie that she’s devouring.

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Source: Screengrab of Instagram stories/Kiara Advani

One can easily make a green smoothie at home by churning avocados, kale, spinach, and cucumber in a blender. This smooth and thick pulp is nutritious and makes for a great drink in the morning as it helps cleanse your body of toxins, boosts your energy levels, and keeps you fit and active throughout the day. For those who don't enjoy leafy greens in their sabzis, blending them into a smoothie with some fruits is a great alternative. You won't even realize you're consuming them!

This green smoothie seems to be the secret behind Kiara’s fitness routine and glowing skin. While this is one of the few times we’ve seen her eating healthy, on other occasions, her Instagram stories are full of yummy food, be it a chocolate cake, a large Gujarati thali, crispy burgers, and more.