As the world switches to healthier lifestyles, we have different diets in place that we follow thinking that they would improve our health and fitness. After all, good health is directly related to the kind of food we have in our day-to-day lives. A cheat meal here, a carb fest there – we are only humans and sometimes do give in to our cravings. But what is important is to Set a proper routine and try to maintain it. The key to any diet working for us is to stick to the diet no matter what. And that is exactly how keto works.

A ketogenic diet is basically when we are consuming a low amount of carbohydrates, but we are replacing all that carbohydrate with fat so that the body burns fat for energy and we ultimately end up losing weight and getting fitter. Of course, it is a little difficult to maintain a keto diet in the longer term, but it has proven to be helpful for the people who have actually managed to do so. Here are some breakfast options that fall under keto. if you are on a ketogenic diet as well, you can always follow these recipes.

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Keto breakfast sandwich 

There is hardly any better way to start your day than to have a filling sandwich. Even if you are on a keto diet, you can have a sandwich and that would satisfy all your cravings. In this particular recipe, we are using coconut flour instead of all-purpose white. So, if you are on ketogenic diet then this filling sandwich with eggs, bacon and coconut flour is the best option for you.

Keto breakfast egg wrap 

The entire world knows that the best breakfast option has always been eggs. They're full of protein and whatever diet you follow except vegetarian and vegan, eggs have gotten your back. This breakfast egg wrap is ketogenic in nature and it is extremely easy to make. A quick meal, have this egg wrap with sausages when you are low on time but high on craving.

Keto breakfast potatoes 

For an Indian, the most difficult part of following a ketogenic diet is to give up potatoes. We cannot possibly imagine our meals without aloo, but here is an option that would come the closest to having potatoes for breakfast. With almost the same texture you can replace potatoes with turnips in this keto recipe. The dish exactly looks like potatoes and tastes as close to potato as possible.

Keto breakfast casserole

If you want to have something really nutritious, but are running low on time, then making a casserole is the best possible option early in the morning. This one pot meal can be customized as per your liking and you can add any vegetable that you really like into the meal. With the goodness of eggs and vegetables, this is a very healthy breakfast to have.