Odisha’s Kendrapara town had a reason to rejoice as its iconic sweet – the Rasabali, also popularly known as Kendrapara Rasabali, was awarded the GI Tag on Tuesday. Resembling a flattened doughnut, the deep-fried chenna-based sweet is soaked in a cardamom-flavoured milk and enjoyed as a delicacy. Offered as one of the 56 items or chhappan bhog to Lord Jagganath and his sibling deities at the famous Puri Srimandir in Odisha, the rasabali is one of the more underrated regional delicacies which has received its due.

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Sharing the excitement of this fifth GI tagged food item from the state, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik tweeted his congratulations. He said, “It is a matter of honor for Odisha to get GI tag status for Kendrapara Rasabali. Rasabali has special importance in the food culture and tradition of Odisha. On this occasion, my best wishes to all the people of Odisha, the district administration, especially the people of Kendrapara.”

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The state has also previously been the recipient of GI tags for their kanteimundi brinjal, Gajapati date palm jaggery, Mayurbhanj kai chutney and Dhenkanal Magji. The Geographical Indication Registry of India accorded the tag to the rasabali in the hope that it offers sweetmeat-makers leverage and visibility, which in turn could boost the state’s economy. The Kendrapura Misthana Rasabali Sangha had been making efforts towards obtaining the tag back in 2021, following which a delegation led by former Rajya Sabha minister, Subash Singh, met Union minister Piyush Goyal submitted a memorandum demanding the tag.