Actor Kartik Aaryan, who is riding high on the success of his latest film Bhool Bhulaiyya 2, treated himself to a delicious dessert on Wednesday night. Bhool Bhulaiya 2, which is a sequel of the 2007 blockbuster starring Akshay Kumar and Vidya Balan became one of the highest-grossing films of 2022, and during the promotions of the movie too Kartik did not hesitate from trying out some local delicacies. When he was in Ahmedabad, he tried the delicious Gujarati Thali with co-star Kiara Advani, and when he was in Delhi, he feasted on some Dal Makhani, Mutton Rogan josh and naan.

Kartik also contracted Covid-19 soon after the movie’s release, and now that he is out of isolation, it seems the foodie in him has awakened too. On Wednesday, he shared an image of a delicious-looking Tiramisu on his Instagram stories. The dessert had delicious layers of Mascarpone cheese, sponge cake, coffee and biscuits.

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The term ‘Tiramisu’ means ‘pick me up’, and it is derived from the Treviso dialect, ‘tireme su’. The dessert itself originated in Treviso in Italy in the 1800s. By the 20th century the dessert came to be known as Tiramisu. There are many interesting legends associated with the origins of the dessert. Some say that it was created as an aphrodisiac by a mistress who belonged to a brothel in Treviso. She would give it to her customers who were having marital problems with their wives. Another more plausible theory is that it was created in an old inn in the centre of Treviso, which came to be known as Le Beccherie restaurant. The dessert soon became one of the best-selling items on the menu.  

The recipe of Tiramisu is also said to have evolved with time, the popular recipe we know today, has a soft sponge cake and ladyfingers that have been infused with coffee. It is then layered with mascarpone cheese, and espresso. Finally, it is dusted off with cocoa powder.  

It is very easy to make restaurant-like Tiramisu at home as well. Here is a simple recipe that you may like. Try it soon and let us know.