It would probably not be much of an exaggeration to say that the year 2022 belonged to actor Kartik Aaryan. While some of the biggest names of the industry failed to deliver at the box office, Kartik (with his blockbusters in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 and Freddy) became the star to watch out for. Currently, shooting in Vadodara for his next Satyaprem Ki Katha, the actor shared a post on Thursday, where he can be seen standing next to two giant Gujarati thalis served by the pool. But the story had a rather interesting caption, “No touching only Seeing”.  

The thalis were much bigger in size than usual thalis, replete with many Gujarati, curries, lentils, and mixed-veg preparations. Many people in the comments also pointed out that these could possibly be the ‘Bahubali Thalis’ of Vadodara. Alongside the thalis, we also saw tumblers of chaas, the Gujarati buttermilk to help digest all the food. 

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But the more important question is, why can’t Kartik touch the thalis? Is he not a fan of Gujarati food? That seems unlikely, given the last time he was here in Gujarat for the promotions of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 he relished the thali with co-star Kiara Advani. Kartik is a vegetarian, hence he loved the thali all the more. So, is he on some special diet due to which he could only ‘see’ the thali and not ‘touch’ it? Well, our guess is as good as yours. But you don’t have to restrict yourself for any reason. Here is a recipe of Gujarati Dal Dhokli that you can prepare today itself.

Dal Dhokli is a popular Gujarti dish that you can find in Rajasthan as well. Here, wheat flour dumplings (dhokli) are boiled in a pulse-based stew (dal). A similar preparation is called Varanfal (or Chakolya in Marathi). Here’s the recipe. Try it soon and let us know how you liked this Gujarati thali staple.