Kareena Kapoor is known as the selfie queen who often clicks her images while pouting. The Hindi film actor is among a few actors who are active on Instagram and share insights into their lives on the social media platform. Recently, she took to her stories to share how she was resting while her sons - Jeh and Taimur, were busy enjoying waffles, their weekend treats.

Video Credit: Tiffin Box/ YouTube

Sharing the selfie donning a blue t-shirt, the actor captioned it, “My expression while the kids eat waffles for breakfast.” The next story had Jeh and Taimur sitting by the pool in their uber-cool jerseys relishing their breakfast. Kareena Kapoor captioned it ‘Waffle Day’.

Photo Credit: Kareena Kapoor Khan/ Instagram

While the actor’s little munchkins were enjoying waffles without anything on the side, the European dish often comes in many flavours and is served with fruits on the sides and an irresistible drizzle of maple or any other sugary syrup. Inspired by Kareena Kapoor’s story, here are a few ideas for toppings that you can pair with waffles for your next weekend's treat. Your kids will love these new assortments.

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Fresh Fruits

One of the best ways to include fruits in your and your kids’ diet is by adding them as toppings on waffles. Kiwis, bananas, strawberries, pineapples, apples, and berries can be cut into thin slices and added on top of these healthy waffles. You can add yoghurt, whipped cream, and cream cheese along with fruits to prevent the dish from drying out.

Caramelised Fruits

One of the best ways to make waffles appear sophisticated and irresistible is by adding caramelised fruits like apples and banana slices on top. If you heat these fruits in a glazed pan, they will taste much better than raw. 

Whipped Cream

Simply top the waffles with whipped cream and serve as an evening snack or for breakfast. You can drizzle a little maple syrup, chocolate syrup, or honey on the top for a sweet taste that will leave you in a food coma for sure.

Peanut Butter

If you are in a hurry, pair your waffles with peanut butter or any other nut butter of your choice. It will instantly take the flavours of the dish up a notch and improve the nutrition quotient of your meal as well.

Marshmallows And Chocolates

Kids love chocolates and marshmallows, and they deserve a sweet treat over the weekend. You can top waffles with chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, and marshmallows. Or you can add these ingredients in melted state to the batter and make sumptuous waffles.