Kareena Kapoor has been sharing beautiful glimpses of her Italian vacation from Sardinia’s Porto Cervo. The actress, who is busy enjoying her down time with family, shared her love for the Sardinian flatbread known as pan carasau – a traditional type of bread. She shared a picture of a basket loaded with the paper-thin sheet bread, which is typically paired with wine and pecorino cheese. She captioned the picture saying, “This Sardinian bread is going to destroy me.”

Image Credits: Buonnisimo

Kareena, who is known for her love for all things Italian, is a big believer in enjoying pizzas and pasta, while also working out to stay fit. So, it comes as no surprise that she’s indulging in carbs of all kinds, during her European holiday. The actress has been on a long holiday with her husband, Saif Ali Khan and her sons, Taimur and Jeh; and had only recently shared a sweet picture of the family enjoying breakfast together.

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The actress also belongs to an extended family of foodies, with tales about the Kapoor’s annual Christmas feast as well as their junglee mutton and paya being talk of legends. Kareena has also previously admitted her love for burgers, cheesecake and biryani, among other things. The superstar foodie has always been open about being loyal to her dal-chawal, when diets are always in trend. Tell us about your most favourite vacation destination and what to eat there, in the comments below!