Kareena Kapoor would soon be making her OTT debut, the ‘Good Newwz’ actress would be sharing screen space with actors Jaideep Ahlawat and Vijay Verma for the venture and fans are having a tough time keeping in the excitement. Kareena who went for a mini-vacation with kids, sister Karisma and Natasha Poonawalla, is back on sets and the actress also shared a couple of videos from her Vanity van recently. While Kareena and team battled the Monday blues with a casserole-full of Biryani, the very next day, Kareena brought a dabba full of Moong Dal ka Halwa for her friends, as per her ‘promise’. In the end of the video that she had posted on Monday, Kareena (after polishing off per plate of chicken Biryani’) remarked, ““tomorrow, I should get Moong Dal Halwa..”. And lo and behold. The very next day, it was Kareena’s Halwa that was placed on the same table of the Vanity van, “As promised… halwa it is”, she wrote in her caption.  

Moong Dal Halwa is a popular Indian dessert, where a puree of moong dal is cooked with sugar, ghee, cardamom and nuts until it is thick and delicious. The golden halwa has a rich velvety texture due to the copious amount of ghee used, but it also has a certain bite-y quality that makes it so addictive. Speaking of ghee, Kareena has been very vocal about her love for clarified butter. Even during her pregnancy, Kareena would have enough ghee, and found it to be very helpful. The desi superfood has emerged to be quite a favorite and aren’t we happy. In Indian households, ghee is a staple, and it is about time it gets all the praise and attention.  

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Coming back to the Halwa. A Moong Dal ka halwa is probably one of the easiest Halwas you can make at home, there are barely any ingredients required, and you do not need a lot of time to put it together as well, the only task is to nail the consistency. You need to stir the halwa over and over, while keeping in mind not to overmix. The ocassional stirring will ensure there are no lumps in your halwa and that it comes out smooth. Stir until the ghee starts to float on top and you see a rich, luminous porridge.

Here’s the recipe of Moong Dal ka Halwa you can try today itself.