Ever since Kareena Kapoor Khan joined Instagram, she has been a complete delight. The Bollywood star keeps her ‘Insta fam’ updated with glimpses from her daily life - be it behind the scenes photographs or pictures of her spending time with family and friends. But what catches our eye are obviously her foodie adventures. While her fans and followers love her fitness regime too, we look forward to what the ‘queen of pout’ has on her plate during festivals and special occasions, the latest being her birthday. Bebo - as she is fondly called by many - turned 42 yesterday (September 21), and the birthday cake looked every bit delicious.  

Kareena celebrated her special day with friends and family, and topping it off was a decadent birthday cake. She rang in her birthday at midnight with her girl gang - including Amrita Arora and Malaika Arora - pictured of which went viral on social media. And during the day, she cut a cake with family members, including sister Karisma Kapoor, who captured the moment on camera and later shared it on her Instagram story.   

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In the picture, we could see Kareena letting her youngest son, Jeh, blow off the candles on the cake before cutting it, and the sight couldn’t have been more adorable! The yummy-looking cake - which we are guessing was a lemon or a pineapple flavoured one - was adorned by five orange slices in the middle and blueberries and cherries on the side. The delicious cake sure looked like a riot of colours. Take a look:

Kareena is one Bollywood actor who doesn’t believe in fad diets or starving oneself to be in shape. In fact, she embraces all kinds of foods and balances it all with a strict fitness regime instead, which includes meditation and yoga. If you follow her on social media, you’d know how Bebo is a self-confessed foodie and cannot resist the sight of good food. Just last weekend, she devoured a large Neapolitan pizza, loaded with greens while on a meal date with husband Saif Ali Khan. Read more about her favourite foods here

Kareena's birthday cake has definitely made us crave some. If you too can relate with us, try these cake recipes at home.