The Kapoor Khandaan is notorious for their love for food. Both Kareena and Karisma proudly flaunt their love for biryani, halwas, cheesecakes and more on their respective Instagram handles from time to time. The duo was joined by other members of their family like Rima Kapoor, Natasha Nanda, and Anissa Malhotra Jain for a quiet ‘Girls Night In’. Actress Tara Sutaria also made it to the do. In one of the Instagram stories shared by Natasha Nanda, we saw the girls all glammed up, and on the table, we also spotted a cute charcuterie board, with brie, cream cheese, almonds, green olives, grapes and raisins. A Charcuterie board, also often known as a ‘cheese platter’, refers to an assortment of snacks of various colours, textures and flavour placed on one single board. Meant to be consumed in a group, a charcuterie board would rarely comprise of a very ‘hot’ food, because it sits on the table for as long the group wants to chat and unwind. This is why a selection of cheese, fruits, nuts, cold cuts and dips are preferred here. The only rule is to place finger foods that are easy to grab and eat.  

Speaking of finger foods, there are plenty of options you can serve at your intimate gathering. We have curated a list of hot and cold foods that  

Fish fingers

A classic finger food, where tender fish strips are seasoned and coated with breadcrumbs and spices. The ‘fingers’ are then deep-fried until crispy and crunchy.  

Devilled Eggs

Another classic appetiser with which you can never go wrong. Deviled eggs are hard-boiled eggs that have been halved and shelled. A creamy paste is made using the yolk, some herbs, salt, pepper, cheese and onions and placed on top of the boiled eggs. Sounds easy? Go make it.  

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Bacon-Wrapped Cheese Bites

Love bacon and cheese, wrap them up together, simple. This simple finger food comes with fried bacon, apricot preserve, jalapeno and cheese, offering an explosion of flavours and textures that will keep you hooked.  

Avocado Bruschetta

Toasted baguettes topped with olive oil, avocado, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, small cucumber and garlic. Fresh, juicy and crunchy, you are going to love this.  

Try these recipes soon and let us know which ones you liked the best.