The Kapoor sisters are known to share a really close bond. Apart from sharing a common love for food, the Bollywood actors Kareena Kapoor Khan and Karisma Kapoor have mutual admiration for each other. Be it on the sets of “Koffee With Karan” or their regular posts on social media handles, they leave no stone unturned to make the other feel special.

On Karisma Kapoor’s 50th birthday, Kareena Kapoor posted a story on Instagram about a birthday girl with a rich chocolate cake. The chocolate cake featured a drool-worthy fudgy icing on the top. On the top of it, the heart-shaped cake had the words. “Older, hotter, wiser” in pink-coloured icing.

Kareena Kapoor posted this beautiful picture with a sticker that said, “My hero,” which simply states the bond between the Kapoor sisters. In the same story, you can spot another decadent cake with big “50” number candles on the top. The elegant chocolate cake had a buttercream frosting with edible glitters topped with a circular chocolate disc that read, “Happy 50th LOLO.”

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But who said Kareena Kapoor only posted an Instagram story? She also posted an adorable Instagram reel with a series of Karisma Kapoor’s pictures and videos. Everything from her childhood memories, her favourite snacks, travelling pictures, and more has been compiled and posted with a heartfelt caption, “Happy birthday to my ultimate HERO. 50 is the new 30 gurllll. Big breakfasts, lots of coffee and aperols, chic bags, long conversations with me, laughter and dancing, Chinese food, and all the time with your two babies forever... That’s what I wish for you…#LoloKaBirthday.”