Karan Johar, the Bollywood director and producer, recently raised a burning issue about the inflated prices of snacks served at theatres. Everyone knows that if you’re watching a movie, be it on the big screen or at home, it is incomplete without snacks and sodas. Thanks to the marketing, popcorn has literally become synonymous with the cinemas.

However, you would agree that while it takes about a hundred bucks to make some snacks to munch while watching a movie, the multiplex charges exorbitantly, both for food and beverages. Calling out the same issue, Karan Johar, along with the popular director Zoya Akhtar, pointed out that a typical Indian family with four people will have to spend as much as ₹10,000 for a night out at the movies.

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As per reports, Karan Johar stated an observation from a study, “They went to 100 homes, and out of those 100 homes, 90 said they would watch only two films a year in a theatre. Zoya Akhtar added, “People can’t afford to go to the cinema. They want to go to the cinema. If you’re going to go twice, you’re going to choose what films you want to go to. Even if I want to go see Laapataa Ladies, maybe I can’t afford to.” 

Karan Johar reportedly added that people would rather go to a restaurant and have a sumptuous meal rather than go to the movies. He also shared experiences of some families who shy away from taking their kids to the cinema due to the steep rates. Instead of feeling bad about denying their kids a box of caramel popcorn that they can’t afford, families choose otherwise.