Since the announcement of Varun Dhawan's new movie, Jug Jug Jeeyo, all eyes have been on him. Varun and Kiara Advani are quite busy right now, as they prepare for its release on June 24, 2022. In a recent video surfacing on social media both the protagonists were seen in Mumbai Metro as part of the movie’s promotional campaign. In the video, the two can be seen enjoying the metro ride while eating Vada Pav inside the train. Following the release of the video, internet users lambasted the duo for taunting the actors and advising them of Metro restrictions. In reaction to the video showing Kiara and Varun eating Vada Pav, one user wrote, "Eating is not allowed in metro." It was even referred to as "VIP treatment" by one of them.

Well, as many of you are probably thinking about this popular Maharashtra snack, particularly amongst Mumbaikars, we thought we'd give some insight on it and offer some intriguing facts about it.

The first vada pav stall was opened in 1966 by Mumbaikar Ashok Vaidya near the Dadar train station, where hundreds of thousands of workers frequently stopped for a quick, inexpensive snack on their way to textile mills in suburbs like Parel and Worli. A popular snack at the time, vada pav was an instant hit with Mumbaikars. Vaidya remains a Mumbai icon; one local journalist even made a film about him called Vada Pav Inc. 

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However, if we go back much farther, the pav may be traced back to the Portuguese tradition, while the potato was brought to India by the Dutch. But, the remarkable pairing of pav, vada, and chutney is pure Mumbai tradition, and it has since become the Maharashtrian masses' favourite snack. The dish has become so popular that August 23rd is designated as Vada Pav Day. Vada pav has become the people's favourite of all Mumbai's street delicacies. The vada pav is a soft pav stuffed with a golden-fried spiced potato vada, topped with a splash of tamarind and coriander chutneys and a sprinkling of garlicky masala.