Janhvi Kapoor – who is in the midst of promoting her upcoming film with Rajkumar Rao – was most recently spotted in the city of Chennai, visiting the Muppathamman temple. Dressed in a traditional South Indian pavada-daavani set, the actress looked ravishing as she dropped by one of the city’s most iconic eateries for a quick bite. A paparazzi video of the actress showed her walk into Murugan Idli Shop – one of Chennai’s most sought-after eateries, for a quick bite of their breakfast fare.

Serving patrons some of the most delicious podi idlis, uttapams and medu vadais, Janhvi was seated at the table with her manager as she interacted with the eatery’s staff. All set to enjoy a banana leaf meal of different types of chutneys, sambar, vada and podi idli, Janhvi appeared to be all smiles as she dug into the delicious spread. Known for her unabashed love of South Indian food, the actress has previously made her admiration known for preparations like pesarettu dosa and palkova.

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Before her appearance at Murugan Idli, Janhvi was last seen savouring a South Indian home-cooked thali meal before making a birthday trip to Tirupati with long-time friend, Orhan Awatramani aka Orry. As a lover of Andhra cuisine, the actress has also been quite vocal about enjoying the spicy fare thoroughly, while growing up and even during her travels.