Actress and comedienne Jamie Lever, who is best known for her on-stage performances, shared a fun video of her on the sets of an upcoming project, where she feasted on the classic Hyderabadi chicken fry biryani and a fiery nattu kozhi fry for lunch. Following the mandate of enjoying a biryani meal when in Hyderabad, the actress and influencer was taking a break from filming, although still decked in hair and make-up from the character she was playing but dressed down in a pastel yellow shirt.

At the beginning of the video, she clarifies that she isn’t married and then goes on to help herself to a spoonful of the fragrant biryani and some of the kozhi fry, which appeared to be coated in a deliciously deep-coloured masala – both of which were called for from Sri Kanya restaurant in the city of Nizams. The famous restaurant is known for serving up other Andhra classics like the chepala pulusu, fish curry and the ulavacharu chicken biryani.

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In the shared video that Jamie captioned, “NOT MARRIED!!! #Hyderabad aaye toh #biryani zaroor khayein. I’m in costume!”, she is also seen exclaiming at the level of spiciness of the nattu kozhi fry but highly recommends the food from the eatery to her audience. She goes on to say, “Agar aap Hyderbad aaye aur biryani nahi khaaye, toh kya kiya life mein? (If you visit Hyderabad and don’t enjoy biryani, what have you done in life?)” Tell us about your favourite biryani restaurant in Hyderabad and what to eat there.