Actor Ishaan Khatter, who is probably more popular among his fans and followers for his dance moves, turned 27 on November 1. The Dhadak star, whose latest film Phone Bhoot is releasing this week, celebrated his birthday while promoting the new horror comedy, along with his co-stars Katrina Kaif and Siddhant Chaturvedi.

Ishaan was spotted cutting a cake at a promotional event in the presence of mediapersons and his fans. Thanks to Katrina and Siddhant, who made sure to make the day special for the birthday boy. Photos and videos of Ishaan cutting the cake went viral on social media.

In one of the videos, we saw Ishaan cutting a huge square chocolate cake laced with oodles of chocolate cream. He fed pieces of the cake to his co-stars. In a clip shared by Katrina in her Instagram stories, we saw her smearing some cake on his face too, and so did Siddhant. Take a look: 

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“Happies birthday to our gullu. May you have a bhootfull year”, Katrina wrote, referring to the name of Ishaan’s character in the film, along with ghost emojis. Later, Ishaan was also seen distributing cake to those present at the venue. 

Wishes poured in from everywhere for the birthday boy. Sister-in-law Mira Rajput Kapoor had a unique post for the actor. She shared a quirky video of Ishaan, with the crying filter, and wished him ‘happy birthday’. They both seemed to be at a restaurant. For those of you who don’t know it yet, Ishaan is a major coffee fan. Even on a trip to Europe with his guy gang, the actor expressed his love for the beverage. He posted a picture of himself with coffee.