Tofu is indeed a highly versatile and nutritious plant-based ingredient that has gained significant popularity in modern diets. It is well-known for its numerous health benefits and its ability to enhance a wide range of culinary creations. It is an excellent choice for individuals following a vegetarian or vegan diet due to its high protein content, as well as its significant amounts of iron and calcium. Additionally, tofu is a low-calorie food that can contribute to a well-rounded and balanced diet. However, like any food, it is important to store and handle tofu properly to prevent spoilage. In this guide, we will discuss the indicators to consider when determining the freshness of tofu, allowing you to savour this nutritious and delectable ingredient in your preferred recipes. 


One of the most noticeable signs that tofu may have spoiled is the presence of a distinct unpleasant odour. If you notice a sour, pungent, or foul odour emanating from the tofu, it is likely that it has spoiled and should be avoided for consumption. The off odour is typically a result of bacterial growth, which has the potential to be harmful to your well-being if consumed. It is advisable to rely on your sense of smell to assess the freshness of tofu. If you detect an unpleasant odour, it is recommended to discard it in order to minimise any potential health hazards. 

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A slimy texture can be an indication that tofu has spoiled. When tofu is fresh, it is expected to possess a firm and smooth texture. If the food begins to develop a slimy or sticky texture, it may be a sign that it has begun to spoil. The sliminess of tofu is typically attributed to the proliferation of bacteria and mould on its surface. Consuming tofu with a slimy texture may potentially cause gastrointestinal issues and other health problems. It is advisable to avoid consuming tofu if you observe this texture. 


Mould or discoloration is an indication that tofu may have deteriorated and is no longer suitable for consumption. If you observe any green, black, or white spots on the surface of the tofu, it signifies the presence of mould, which makes it unfit for consumption. Moreover, when the tofu exhibits a yellow or brown colour, it indicates that it has begun to deteriorate. Consuming tofu with mould or discoloration can potentially result in food poisoning and other health risks. It is essential to promptly discard tofu if you notice any signs of mould or discoloration to prioritise your well-being. It is important to always inspect the appearance of tofu before using it to ensure that it is fresh and safe for consumption. 

Extra Moisture 

Another red flag for potentially spoiled tofu is if it has become very wet. In contrast to its firm, dry texture while fresh, tofu can become too moist and sticky when it spoils. A foul or unpleasant smell may accompany the extra moisture. Tofu that has undergone these changes should probably be thrown away since it may no longer be safe to eat. Keeping the tofu in the fridge and eating it before it goes bad will help keep the moisture levels down. 

Expire Date 

Verifying the expiration date is the simplest method to assess if tofu has spoiled. Nutritionists advise that manufacturers include an expiration or "best by" date on the packaging to indicate the recommended time frame for consumption. If the date of expiration has elapsed, it is more probable that the tofu may have experienced a decline in both its quality and safety. While consuming tofu after the expiration date may not pose immediate harm, it is important to note that its taste and texture may have noticeably declined. Always follow the expiration date for optimal quality.