It cannot be denied that actor Sonu Sood was among the most talked-about celebrities during the pandemic. The actor’s philanthropic initiatives of helping migrant workers reach their homes in the middle of nationwide lockdown garnered praise from across the country, the actor also wrote a book ‘I Am No Messiah’ capturing his ardous journey. However, alongside, the Dabangg actor also kept his fans on social media hooked with his small and entertaining videos. On Sunday, the actor took to Instagram to give us a tour of ‘Sonu Da Dhaba’. That’s right, if you follow him on Instagram, you would remember a video of him doling out Tandoori rotis like a pro, earlier this year. Now the actor is back, and this time with more items on the menu. “iss baar variety badh gayi hai hai (unlike last time, we have good variety now)” the actor says while giving us a quick peek into all that is on offer. “We have laccha paratha, butter naan, missi roti, cheese laccha paratha, plain roti, and plain naan,”. Post this, he shows us the ‘Gaddi’ or the small oval pillow on which you put the roti and place it along the walls of the tandoor.  

He pats the naan and sticks it on the pillow and puts it in the tandoor very carefully. He calls it “technical sa process”, and it sure seems like it wasn’t the first time the actor was making naans. It may burn a bit at the start he cautions, “Roti kamane ke liye haath toh jalana hi padta hai, tabhi to mazdoor ko roti milti hai (you have to burn your hand to earn your bread, that is how a labourer gets his roti)”, he remarks.  

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Once the naan starts bubbling, he grabs hold of the sariya or thin iron rods and with the help which he takes the naan out of the hot tandoor. Amid applause, he applies a generous dash of butter on his freshly cooked naan. “Khud ki kamao aur Khud ki Khao aur Sonu De Dhabe Pe Jaldi Aao (earn yourself and feed yourself”, Sonu Sood parts with a life mantra, while inviting his followers to his “dhaba”. Have a look at the video here. 


Isn’t that impressive? His comments section was definitely filled with a slew of impressed fans. “Jitna bhi heart du kam hai Sir aap k liye (No matter how many hearts I give, it would always seem inadequate)”, wrote a zealous fan. “Jaldi ayenge sir sonu da dhabe pr (will come to your dhaba soon sir)”, wrote another. “Ham bhi aayenge sir aapse ye roti kish tarah se banayi jaati hai sikhne ke liye. Really very yummy (will make a visit soon to learn how to make this roti from you sir)”, remarked another fan.

Craving naans now? Take some tips from Sonu Sood and start right away, if you want to make one without a tandoor, here’s an easy-peasy recipe.