“Chefs are firefighters”, remarked chef Tarun Sibal right after his successful live cooking session, which took place amid non-stop rain at Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium on Saturday. IMD data showed that between Friday 8.30am and Saturday 8.30pm, Delhi received more than four times the revised monthly normal rainfall for October! But that didn’t seem to dampen the spirit of the Delhiites, who happily thronged the biggest food and music festival of Delhi, HT City Unwind with their friends and peers. Zealous foodies also poured in at the Slurrp Masterchef Cookout zone, to watch their favourite celebrity chefs live in action. On the first day of the cookout, few lucky homechefs got a chance to cook with chef Kunal Kapur, and chef Vaibhav Bhargava. On the second day of the event, chef Tarun Sibal and Chef Noah Barnes took over the baton and ensured a fun-filled, flavourful day for their audience. Delhi Rains-0, Love for Food-1.  

Chef Tarun Sibal rustled up ‘Pumpkin Ghee Podi With Chilli Scallion Parotta’, while chef Noah gave us not one or two, but three recipes ideal for the weather, Guacamole, Refried Bean Salsa and Chicken Quesadilla. Both the chefs also stayed back for each other’s sessions and the camaraderie was too adorable to miss.  

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“I don’t follow recipes, I follow my instincts, and the recipe can be documented later. For the live, I chose Pumpkin Ghee Podi, because there are few vegetables quite as versatile as a pumpkin, and it is just loved across the world. I worked it up with hot podi masala and blue cheese; it is unheard of but it is surprising how well they go together”, said chef Tarun about his recipe. “I feed off the energy of people, I love being host. Despite the rainy day, I got an enthusiastic crowd and that is what made this live session so special”, he added.  

Chef Noah Barnes also agreed, “what is not there to love about this day, just look around. It is pouring and still packed. I cooked some classic recipes, like guacamole, an avocado-based dip where I added jalapenos to pep it up. The recipe is so easy, you can keep experimenting. Same goes for chicken Quesadilla, what do we do with our left-over rotis in India, is what they do with their Tortillas. Sneak in some salsa, cheese, and chicken and you have a comforting grub.”

Many bloggers and influencers who were in attendance were also thrilled after the insightful sessions, Ankit Sharma (@khaugalifood) remarked, “it was a memorable day, got a chance to meet chef and entrepreneur Tarun Sibal, learned so much about different cuisines, cooking styles and tips from him. Insightful indeed.