To remove wastes created by the food you eat, you need healthy kidneys. Ammonia, protein waste, and minerals like salt, potassium, and phosphorus must all be removed by them. You should be especially careful about what you eat if you have kidney problems and require regular treatment for blood purification. Some dietary changes advised for those with renal illness include eating a low-protein diet, consuming less salt, cutting back on phosphorus-rich meals, and selecting foods low in potassium. The following foods are recommended for maintaining healthy kidneys. 

Onions: Those with high creatinine levels and impaired renal function should eat onions as they are a nutritious meal. They have a chemical called prostaglandin, which naturally lowers blood viscosity and helps to lower high blood pressure, reducing the course of kidney disease. 

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Egg Whites: A high-quality, kidney-friendly source of protein is egg whites. Additionally, they are a fantastic option for patients with chronic kidney disease who need to minimise their phosphorus intake while having increased protein requirements. 

Garlic: Those who have kidney issues should avoid consuming excessive amounts of sodium, which includes added salt. Garlic is a great salt replacement that enhances the flavour of food while also having health advantages. 

Carrots or Raw Carrots: Renal disease and kidney failure are both greatly increased by hypertension. Foods that lower blood pressure should be consumed by people with chronic renal disease. One such meal that significantly lowers blood pressure is carrot. In addition to lowering blood pressure, it also aids in regulating diabetes, which increases the risk of renal damage. 

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Olive Oil: Because it is phosphorus-free and a healthy fat source, olive oil is a great option for persons with kidney disease. So use olive oil when preparing food rather than any other type of oil. It is nutritious, healthful, and advantageous for kidney disease patients. 

Bell Pepper: Contrary to many other vegetables, bell peppers are low in potassium despite having an incredible amount of minerals. These vibrantly coloured peppers are packed with vitamin C, a potent antioxidant. One small red bell pepper, weighing 74 gram, has 105 percent of the daily recommended value for vitamin C. Additionally, they are abundant in vitamin A, a crucial ingredient for immune system health, which is frequently weakened in those with renal disease 

Turnips: Turnips are kidney-friendly and a great substitute for veggies like potatoes and winter squash that are rich in potassium.  Both fibre and vitamin C are abundant in these root vegetables. They are also a decent source of manganese and vitamin B6. They provide a nutritious side dish that is suitable for a renal diet when roasted or cooked and mashed.