The TV actor forayed into Bollywood with the 2020 film Hacked, and charmed everyone with her amazing performance and good looks. A daring woman, she also loves experimenting with her exercise regimes, as much as she enjoys trying new delicacies. While travelling, she makes it a point to savour the local food.

This time, she was just at home, enjoying a wholesome Monday lunch. Sharing a glimpse of her home-cooked food on her Instagram stories, Hina made us drool. She was having a crispy masala dosa, with coconut chutney and sambar kept on the side. On this, she wrote, “Ghar ka banaa dosa. Thankyou @neelam.ritz”.

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Interestingly, Hina doesn’t follow a very set diet and likes to eat whatever she feels like at a given point of time. Moreover, she doesn’t prefer set times for a particular meal and might even skip a meal if she isn’t hungry. Despite all this, she is able to maintain a healthy and fit body because she balances her indulgences and cheat meals with regular workouts to burn those extra calories.

The 35-year-old actor’s day begins with a glass of warm water with lemon and honey. Breakfast isn’t an elaborate affair as she just likes to take a cup of green tea with some cookies on the side. Lunch and dinner are wholesome and nutrient-rich, home-cooked meals. For the former, she likes to stick to sabzi and bajra roti while for the latter, she includes protein-rich foods like grilled fish or chicken.

After her workouts, a glass of smoothie or a bowl of salad is her go-to snack that keeps her satiated for long and revives her lost energy. However, the good part is that she doesn’t let her diet become monotonous and keeps exploring newer options by following a balanced diet. Apart from chicken and seafood, she focuses on having fresh fruits and seasonal vegetables every day, according to a report in the Times of India. 

The most important part about her diet is portion control. While she eats what she wants and whenever she wants, her eyes are always on the portion she’s having. Be it sweets or savoury, she makes it a point to keep a check on the quantity of food and working out accordingly thereafter.