Imtiaz Ali, whose love for Kolkata is well-known, was recently in the city with his daughter Ida Ali. The duo seemed to have spent quality time together around the city and stopped for a quick breakfast by a local tapri to enjoy a meal of kachori-dum aloo and kulhad ki chai. Both, Imtiaz and Ida seated themselves at a small corner table, while they ate from little bowls full of spiced potato curry and puris. The father-daughter also posed for pictures with the shopkeeper and shared a sweet selfie of themselves drinking chai.

Image Credits: Imtiaz Ali/Instagram

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For the uninitiated, Imtiaz Ali is known for his love of exploring local haunts in the cities he visits, and has previously gushed about his love for chhole-kulche from the streets of Delhi. So it comes as no surprise that Ali captioned the set of photos he shared on social media saying, “The best places to eat in Calcutta look like this! (best poori aaloo and tea for two - Rs. 54).” He has also heaped praise in the past for his love for the amazing street food available in cities and towns across the country, reflecting on how it has been his lifeline during film shoots.

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He has also enjoyed going on a food trail in Lucknow, where he sampled the delicious tunday kebabs, Idris ki biryani and Prakash kulfi, to end the meal. Superstar Shah Rukh Khan has also shared anecdotes about the director’s knowledge of small, unassuming food joints, referring fondly to Ali as the ‘tour guide’ while filming in different cities. Tell us what your favourite places to enjoy street food in your city are, in the comments below!