The monsoon has already arrived, giving us blissful weather. The temperature cools down, providing relief from the scorching heat and giving us an excuse to indulge in snacking on different fried pakodas. However, unknowingly, the monsoon gives way to germ breeding grounds. 

With the monsoon come water-borne and mosquito-borne diseases like typhoid, dengue, and malaria. Plus, how can we forget about the skin infections and gastrointestinal issues that often occur? Maintaining a healthy diet, along with taking precautions like keeping ourselves clean, drinking clean water, avoiding street food, using mosquito repellent, and others, helps us protect ourselves in the rainy season. Also, it is important to boost our immunity by consuming healthy food and hot and herbal beverages. 

Herbal teas brimming with various health benefits are best at keeping infections at bay. Keeping this in mind, today we bring you the recipe for mulethi-ginger tea that will help you stay fit and healthy this monsoon. 

Let’s take a look at its benefits first!   

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties  

Both ginger and mulethi have anti-inflammatory properties that will help you prevent falling sick during the monsoon. However, if you’re already feeling under the weather, sipping this herbal tea will speed up your healing process. 

  • Soothes Sore Throat   

Sore throats, coughs, and colds are quite common in the rainy season. If you are suffering and want quick relief, sip the mulethi-ginger tea. Owing to its anti-inflammatory properties, it will help soothe your throat.   

  • Improves Digestion   

Suffering from indigestion is a common problem during monsoons. As much as we love greasy snacks, we often fall prey to issues like bloating, gas, and acidity. To provide relief to your disturbed digestive tract, consume a cup of mulethi-ginger tea. 

Here is how to make Mulethi-Ginger tea at home:   


  • 2 tbsp black tea leaves
  • 2 cups water
  • Sugar
  • Grated ginger
  • Milk (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp mulethi, grated


  • Take a pan and start heating water on high heat.
  • Once the water starts boiling, add black tea leaves, sugar, mulethi, and grated ginger.
  • Keep it covered and boil it for 2 minutes and serve after straining.

Note: You can add honey instead of sugar, as it is healthier.