Rakul Preet Singh, the popular actress, has been keeping her fans informed about her activities and whereabouts through her social media account. The actress is currently occupied attending the IIFA Awards 2023 in Dubai. Amidst her busy schedule, she took to social media to share a video of a delicious Khichadi treat that she was served by popular MasterChef Vicky Ratnani.   

What have you got for me?" Rakul could be heard asking Vicky in the video. Vicky then responds in his usual style, "I think it's “Rakul Preet Khichadi”. Because it's so you – It's low carb, it’s fully protein, gluten-free and It’s vegan as well. Vicky says that it's made with Jowar, Bajra, Moong dal, Black Urad Dal and lots of vegetables. Rakul says wooow.. and Thanks Vicky for this delicious meal. Her following story similarly features a meal so beautifully presented that anyone could fall for it. The mouthwatering mutton photos she posted, though, were impossible to ignore. If you have been keeping up with Rakul Preet on social media, then you are aware that the actress does not take any shortcuts when it comes to maintaining her diet and fitness routine. Since the actress is such a devotee of yoga, she frequently provides fans and followers of her Instagram account with insight into her practice. And to think that Rakul Preet only ever consumes nutritious food is something that can be concluded simply by looking at her. 

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We can see that Chef Vicky Ratnani is treating Rakul very well through his culinary magic, and it's making us really hungry. Here's a recipe for making your own multigrain khichadi at home.   

Recipe: Using a pressure cooker, let's heat up 2 tablespoons of ghee or oil. Now, let's add in 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds, followed by 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds, and a pinch of asafoetida. Begin by incorporating a finely chopped onion and a teaspoon of ginger-garlic paste into your dish. Sauté the ingredients until they reach a desirable golden hue. To enhance the nutritional value and add a delightful texture to your dish, incorporate a half cup of assorted lentils like moong dal, masoor dal, and toor dal, and half a cup of mixed grains such as rice, quinoa, millet, and barley. Ensure to thoroughly rinse the ingredients. To enhance the flavour profile, incorporate 2 cups of water, 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder, and a pinch of salt to your dish. Pressure cook the ingredients for 3-4 whistles to ensure optimal texture and taste. After releasing the pressure, unlock the cooker and embellish the dish with freshly chopped coriander leaves. This delectable multigrain khichdi is a nutritious and flavorful dish that pairs perfectly with a side of yoghurt or pickle.