Hyderabad, the capital of Telangana, which is well-known for its diverse cuisine, just earned another success. On Saturday, renowned actor Sonu Sood unveiled a gigantic Mandi platter that can serve up to more than 10 people at once. Actor Sonu Sood, who is renowned for his charitable endeavours, was recently honoured when Gismat Prison Mandi near Kondapur in Hyderabad introduced the largest plate in India, the "Sonu Sood Plate," across all 17 branches in the actor's honour. 

Gismat Jail Mandi was praised by Sonu Sood for having such a creative notion about cuisine that will only make people happier. Gautam Choudary, the founder of Gismat Prison Mandi, stated that Sonu Sood was chosen as the name of the organization because of his big heart. 

Mandi is a classic Arabian meal that is often cooked slowly. Saudi Arabia and Yemen are two of its biggest consumers. It mainly belongs to the biryani family and is made with rice, meat (often lamb, chicken, or beef), and a combination of certain spices. 

As many as more than 10 members can feast together at once on a variety of foods on the Sonu Sood plate. Families have gathered at the restaurant specifically to enjoy the Sonu Sood plate, which has already become a flaming success in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. At the event, admirers flocked to the eatery to take photographs with the actor, just to catch a peek of him, and to thank him for his tireless humanitarian work. 

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With a circumference of 8 feet, at least 15 to 20 people can sit and dine at once, according to the restaurant management. Sood, who primarily appears in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada films, is renowned for his charitable work as well. The "Kadam Badaye Ja" campaign was started by the Sonu Sood charity earlier this month to help knee patients, especially senior persons. Patients with serious conditions who require total knee replacement surgery to relieve pain and correct knee joint deformities will receive funding from the charitable organisation.