Vasant Panchami is just around the corner. This joyous day is celebrated by dressing up in bright clothes, sharing yellow-coloured goodies with each other and offering our prayers to Goddess Saraswati. It is a centuries-old tradition to cook bright yellow coloured dishes on this auspicious day. Among a plethora of palatable dishes, moong dal halwa is a classic scrumptious dessert that is prepared in parts of the country. Moong dal halwa is an Indian delicacy that is made with moong dal, desi ghee, milk which is then flavoured with cardamom, nuts and sugar. It’s still not too late to make this heavenly dessert for the zestful festival of Vasant Panchami. Cook your own moong dal halwa to perfection with the help of some tips listed below.  

Roast The Dal Until It Turns Golden Brown 

The first and the foremost step is roasting the moong dal in a pan. Instead of oil, always use ghee for roasting. Add moong dal to the pan heated with ghee and dry roast it until it develops a golden brown colour and turns aromatic. Always roast it on a low-medium flame.    

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Cook With Loads Of Desi Ghee

Ghee is used at almost every step while making moong dal halwa at home. From roasting to adjusting the consistency, ghee acts as the key to get perfect halwai-style moong dal halwa at home. So make sure you use loads of ghee in the most generous manner possible. 

Add A Dollop Of Mawa 

Most Indian desserts are made with mawa and moong dal is one of them. While, the addition of mawa is not a compulsion. However, we still suggest you add a few dollops of mawa while cooking as it does wonders to the texture and makes it more buttery. 

Garnish With Nuts And Dry Fruits

Once the halwa is ready, garnish it with loads of chopped nuts and dry fruits. This will give it a nutty flavour to your halwa and elevate it richness. Thus, always top it off with nuts and dry fruits before serving.

Don’t wait until the last day to make this tempting halwa at home. Tap here to check out a detailed recipe