Though they resemble lemons in appearance, they taste just like cucumbers.  That's because they're cucumbers—lemon cucumbers, specifically.  One of the most beloved heirlooms to cultivate are these little, peculiar beauties, and current trends have begun to see them gain popularity.

What's a lemon cucumber, exactly? This spherical yellow vegetable is valued for its crisp, cool texture and somewhat sweet flavour, even though it is frequently planted as a novelty. Lemon cucumbers, however, don't taste like citrus. Lemon cucumber plants also continue to produce later in the season than most other types, which is an added bonus. Continue reading to find out how to cultivate a lemon cucumber in your yard.

Lemon Cucumber Planting Guide

Here's how you can grow and plant your own lemon cucumbers at home:

Ideal Location, Spacing, And Depth

Plant seeds in mid-spring to early summer, spacing them 18 to 24 inches apart. Before transferring indoor-grown seedlings outdoors, let them become hardy. Once the soil has warmed to at least 18 degrees Celsius, plant in rows or hills.

Allow adequate room in your garden beds for plants to be spaced 36 to 90 inches apart. Install a trellis or another kind of support structure and teach the vines to climb it if your garden area is restricted.

Direct Sunlight

As a gardener, your priority should be to plant lemon cucumbers in full sun with at least six to eight hours of sunshine each day. Make sure there are no extended periods of shade in the planting area, as it could hinder the quality of the fruit and ruin the planting process.

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Soil Quality

Like other cucumber varieties, lemon cucumbers need rich, well-drained soil and are heavy feeders. Add well-rotted manure or finished compost for an added nutritional boost. Keep the pH of the soil between 6.5 and 7.0 (neutral), slightly acidic.

Sufficient Watering

The roots of growing plants and germination of seeds will not rot in well-drained soil. When the seeds are germinating, keep the soil uniformly wet. Water the cucumbers often when seedlings develop to enhance flowering.

Water plants by one inch every week to maintain a uniformly wet soil. Fruit that tastes bitter is the result of inconsistent watering. You may need to water your soil several times a week during hot, dry spells to keep it from drying out.

However, be careful not to overwater since this might result in excessively wet soil. In order to prevent powdery mildew and other infections, directly water towards the base of the plant rather than splattering it over the leaves. 

Low-Nitrogen Fertiliser

Add phosphorous-rich compost or combine with a low-nitrogen fertiliser before planting. A  too-high nitrogen fertiliser may cause plants to burn or promote leaf development at the expense of reduced cucumber output. Every two weeks fertilise the plants with an all-purpose fertiliser.

Organic Mulch

When planting, cover the soil with an organic mulch layer to guard against pests, keep moisture and roots cool, and keep the fruits off the ground. Applying more mulch than three inches will just make an already-existing slug problem worse.

Ideal Temperature

In comparison to certain other cucumber types, they tend to require less heat to ripen and are less prone to taste harsh. They are also easy to cultivate and naturally prolific. Temperatures above 15 degrees Celsius and below 32 degrees Celsius are generally favourable for plants.